} Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm. Saturday: By Appointment.

Teeth Whitening

Our Services

Teeth Whitening

We firmly believe that your smile is the best way to give you confidence and highlight your natural beauty. However, many people feel embarrassed to smile when they have discoloured teeth due to certain foods in their diet, smoking, or natural wear and tear.

Our teeth whitening procedures administered by Philips Zoom Whitening produce a more superior result compared to over the counter whitening products or whitening toothpaste and retains the brightness for much longer. This means less frequent treatments and less sensitivity in the long term.

We offer both in chair whitening treatments or customised take home whitening kits. You may need to speak to one of dentists to find out the most appropriate treatment for you.

Contact us today and start your journey towards whiter teeth with the help of Philips Zoom Whitening. We can help you feel comfortable and confident in your smile and your oral health. Our team is happy to answer any questions you have about our teeth whitening process.

Zoom Procedure in action.

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